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The AMSP provides support for Core Maths, including a wide range of flexible Core Maths professional development. These opportunities are often free; in some cases, additional subsidies are available to enable more teachers to participate.

Discover which Core Maths professional development course is best for you by visiting our Overview of AMSP Core Maths CPD.

The Events Calendar provides details of all of our professional development events. You will also find a range of opportunities that are designed and delivered according to local needs. You can also contact your local Area Coordinators for more information.

Below is a list of our national Core Maths professional development opportunities.

Course length 5.5 hour(s)

A free and engaging one-day professional development conference designed for teachers either offering or thinking about offering Core Maths. The day will focus on approaches for planning, teaching and learning Core Maths.

Delegates will get ample opportunity to gather resources and ideas and share experiences with teachers from other schools and colleges.

The Core Maths Conference runs in January and June each year.

Course length 3 study days over 6 months

The best heads of departments inspire through passionate teaching. They also genuinely care about developing the team they lead and are able to maintain a wider perspective on students’ educational experiences as a whole. This sustained professional development course is suitable for any new or aspiring head of mathematics who wishes to reflect upon this demanding role and learn strategies to increase their own effectiveness.

Course length 2 hour(s)

Core Maths Specification Networks are designed to provide you with the opportunity to discuss and share your experiences and develop your practice around the teaching of Core Maths with teachers who are following the same specification as you. Each network will be led by AMSP Core Maths champions with experience in teaching the specification your network is focussing on.

Existing members of the network will get priority access to subsequent meetings.

You will then be emailed the Zoom link each time the network runs. Each network will meet four times in the year, and whilst we would encourage you to attend as many of these as possible, we understand that this may not be feasible on all occasions. 

Course length 2 hour(s)

Students taking Level 3 Core Maths have access to pre-release material one to two months before their exam so that they can become familiar with some of the contexts that they will encounter.

The pre-release documents for AQA and OCR specifications will be made available in March, while those for the Edexcel specification will be released in April.

It can often be a challenge to work out how to get the most out of the material, and it is particularly overwhelming in your first few years of teaching the course. Our pre-release discussion meetings are an opportunity to discuss and share ideas and will support you in helping your students best prepare for their exams.

Following the session, you will also get access and be encouraged to contribute to a collection of shared activities (for example, AQA pre-release ideas 2023)

If you would like additional support with the delivery of Core Maths, you can request to work with one of our Core Maths specialist leads.

Our Core Maths Summer Festival is an extensive series of online interactive workshops. Each session will provide resources and activities which you can take straight to the classroom.

You can download the Core Maths Summer Festival 2024 Programme to see a summary of all 5 sessions.

Please note that the main session content will be delivered in the first hour and a half of each session, and the remaining time will be dedicated to questions and support.

Course length 2 hour(s)

The AMSP’s Core Maths Platform holds a wealth of high-quality resources that can be used to assist in the teaching and learning of this exciting and transformative course. With such an embarrassment of riches, navigating your way around the platform can feel overwhelming at first. This workshop will provide you with a hands-on tour of the key features of the platform and would be suitable for anyone teaching or thinking of teaching the course.

To get the most out of this workshop, please ensure you have registered and have access to the Core Maths Platform. If you do not already have access, please visit the Core Maths Platform page to find out more.

Course length 1.5 hour(s)

Our Getting Started with Core Maths webinar is aimed at schools and colleges that plan to offer the course in the future. If you are already teaching Core Maths, we recommend you attend one of our Core Maths Specification Networks instead.

 The webinar will provide:

  • a comparison of the content of the different L3 Core Maths qualifications
  • ideas on how to promote the course to your students
  • possible approaches to timetabling
  • information on where to find resources – including how to access our free online Core Maths platform.

There will also be opportunities to ask questions you have about the course and to find out about our free, bespoke PD for your whole department.

We are running this event three times, in November, March and May, so please choose the date that suits you best.

Course length Four weekly sessions during the Summer Term. Each session comprises of 1.5 hours of delivery and up to 30 minutes of bespoke support.

Finding out you will be teaching Core Maths can feel overwhelming. You may be thinking, where can I find resources? How do I choose activities which will motivate your students? Or how do I prepare them for assessment?

Preparing to teach Core Maths is a four week live online professional development course and is aimed at those who will be teaching Core Maths for the first time in the near future. The course will be interactive and discursive and cover the following:

  • Planning and resourcing
  • Selection and delivery of activities
  • Preparing for assessment
  • recruitment and maintaining a strong cohort

Course length 7.5 hour(s)

Course length: One half-term, weekly sessions

Key Stage 5 Coordinator Development is a live online professional development course: the synchronous sessions will concentrate on the challenges of leadership in a maths department and will frequently tap into the experience of both tutors and participants. Examples of active learning in A level Maths and Further Maths and Core Maths will be modelled by the tutors, and participants will be encouraged to share their approaches in a workshop discussion.

Course features:

  • Five online sessions, approximately weekly, each up to 90 minutes long
  • Access to course-specific teaching and learning resources in our Integral online platform
  • A year of access to resources and recordings of the live sessions

Course length 12 hour(s)

Maths for A level Biology is a course for teachers wishing to build their confidence in teaching the mathematical requirements (from page 24) of A level Biology. This course is being run in partnership with the Association for Science Education as part of the ‘Mathematics for Biology Teacher’ project (MfBT) with support from the Department for Education.

Course length 12 hour(s)

Maths for A level Geography is a course for teachers wishing to build their confidence in teaching the quantitative requirements (page 28) of A level Geography. This course is part of the Geography and Core Maths Initiative, which is being run in conjunction with the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG). For further information and resources, see

These free online sessions are for geography teachers who wish to build their confidence when using mathematics in the teaching of A level geography. The six sessions will look at a range of statistical and analytical content. During the sessions, we will model approaches to teaching mathematical content and share ideas on how to engage students in meaningful discussions about data in geography.

Course length 12 hour(s)

Maths for A level Psychology is a course for teachers wishing to build their confidence in teaching the mathematical requirements (see page 38) of A level Psychology. This course is being run in partnership with the Association for the Teaching of Psychology.

Course features:

  • Eight interactive live online sessions, approximately fortnightly, each up to 90 minutes long
  • Access to our online Integral platform
  • Email support from a tutor and access to an online group forum

Course length 1 Day

In addition to our online courses in Maths for BiologyGeography and Psychology, we are delighted to offer a free one-day professional development conference which focuses on developing confidence in teaching the mathematical requirements of A level Biology, Geography and Psychology.

There will be optional workshops so that you can focus on the mathematical requirements that feature in your course. Strategies and ideas will be provided for teachers to use in their classrooms to deepen their students’ understanding, and there will be an opportunity to develop confidence in working with real data using technology.

This event is being run in partnership with the Association of Science Educators, The Royal Geographical Society and The Association for the Teaching of Psychology.

Course length: One term, weekly sessions

Subject Knowledge Live | Core Maths common topics is a live online professional development course in our Subject Knowledge Live suite: the synchronous sessions will concentrate on the modelling of subject knowledge delivery, including the use of technology, and will cover key content from all major specifications Core Maths. The tutors will model examples of pedagogy, and participants will be encouraged to share their approaches.

Course features:

  • Six online sessions, approximately weekly, each up to 90 minutes long
  • Access to course-specific teaching and learning resources in our Integral online platform
  • A year of access to resources and recordings of the live sessions

Any teacher currently based in a state-funded school or college who signs up for this course is encouraged to also apply for our free On Demand Professional Development course On Demand | Core Maths top-ups which covers many additional topics. 

Developing Core Maths Pedagogy Work Groups are for experienced and developing teachers of Core Maths who are in at least their second year of teaching Core Maths. The Work Group focuses on collaborative discussion, planning, and trialling ideas between sessions and evaluation.

These Work Groups give teachers opportunities, through collaboration and experimentation, to develop improved teaching approaches that support the open-ended problem-solving skills Core Maths students need to develop and to share these with departmental colleagues. Participant departments will support the role of Core Maths in promoting contextualised problem-solving and links to teaching in other subject areas.

The purpose of this programme is to support teachers who are new to teaching Core Maths in developing specialist knowledge for teaching Core Maths and to increase their confidence in teaching the course.

The programme has a primary focus on Core Maths subject knowledge and pedagogy and will be based on these six key themes, which are common to all the Core Maths specifications:

  • Creating contextualised activities
  • Applying Fermi estimation and modelling
  • Developing critical analysis
  • Making sense of finance
  • Using the pre-release materials
  • Exploring statistics.

Technology and online teaching will be underlying themes throughout the programme.

Our Teacher Network meetings are organised around the country by our local Area Coordinators. They focus on sharing good practice, professional development and promoting developments in teaching and learning.

Meetings usually take place once each term after school, and the agenda for each meeting is set by the network members. Joining one of these networks can be a great way to get to know other mathematics teachers in your region and share ideas. It also gives members the chance to request input on particular curriculum areas or educational developments, which can be provided by inviting expert speakers to present at a meeting.

Initial Teacher Training

If your school/college is involved in Initial Teacher Training, you might be interested to know that we can provide focused one- or two-day sessions on aspects of teaching Core Maths for groups of trainee teachers. Find out more.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Details of all of our current professional development courses are available can be found on our Events listing page. If you have a particular need and you cannot find something suitable there, please contact your local AMSP Area Coordinator. Alternatively, complete our Register of Interest Form to advise us of the type of professional development that interests you. The detail you provide will be used to alert you if professional development which matches your need is made available.

With over 45000 hours of teacher PD in a year, 98% of teachers rate AMSP PD as good or excellent

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