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Students who are new to studying Core Maths may find it helpful to revise the skills they’ll need to use in their studies. The same goes for students who are starting a non-maths A level subject with some mathematical content, such as Biology, Psychology, Geography or Business, and/or a level 3 vocational course.

The AMSP’s self-study Core Maths Skills course is designed for just that. It supports students with the transition to their new level 3 courses and is particularly useful for them to use during the autumn term.

Registrations open on the 1 May 2022

The course has been developed by the AMSP and is free of charge to all AMSP registered schools.

This video explains more:


These are the topics that are covered in the course:

  • Estimation and accuracy
  • Interpreting graphs and charts (statistics for life)
  • Measures and standard form
  • Percentages 1
  • Percentages 2
  • Probability
  • Proportional reasoning
  • Data tables, averages and spread.

The course includes full solutions to all questions and automatically marked online tests.


This course is hosted in Integral and requires an individual login to gain access and allow progress to be tracked.

There are two ways to get access:

  1. Teachers can sign up their students by completing this simple form.
  2. Students can register for free access themselves, if they are not signed up by a school or college. Applications are open from 1 May to 31 October.

Teachers in AMSP-registered schools/colleges can also access the course (and view its content) using the school/college’s shared Integral account. If your school/college is not registered with the AMSP yet, you can register now for free.


If you have any queries about the Core Maths Skills course, please contact [email protected].

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