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Girls enrichment in Sussex

How quickly we change and adapt to the circumstances around us! Only a few weeks ago, a group of Year 10 girls were coming together to participate in the challenge and fun of enrichment events.


SIR models of disease spread

Back in March, when the UK lockdown was just beginning, I was tinkering with GeoGebra and was reminded of GeoGebra’s ability to solve differential equations by Juan Carlos Ponce Campuzano, who tweeted a link to his awesome SIR model where GeoGebra did all the heavy lifting of solving the differential equations.


Immerse yourself in Desmos

In these days of social distancing and isolation, our working days have changed immensely. The days of seeing up to 150 (or more) students per day – with all their chatter and eagerness to learn – even after the Easter break, seem like fond and distant memories.

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