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Course length: One half term, weekly sessions

Teachers from minority ethnic backgrounds are underrepresented across leadership levels (DFE, 2020). This course, developed in partnership with BAMEed, aims to support maths teachers from minority ethnic backgrounds to develop the skills and knowledge to progress in maths leadership, along with providing networking opportunities and social connections with other course participants.

Key Stage 5 Coordinator Development in partnership with BAMEed is a live online professional development course: the synchronous sessions will concentrate on the challenges of leadership in a maths department and will frequently tap into the experience of both tutors and participants. Examples of active learning in A level Maths and Further Maths and Core Maths will be modelled by the tutors, and participants will be encouraged to share their approaches in a workshop discussion.

Course features:

  • Seven online sessions, approximately weekly, each up to 90 minutes long
  • Access to course-specific teaching and learning resources in our Integral online platform
  • A year of access to resources and recordings of the live sessions
  • Access to a forum shared with course alumni.


  • To bring together a group of teachers who are aspiring or current KS5 Coordinators in order to share and discuss relevant ideas, resources and concepts.
  • To look at how this role is developing in the current climate of change.
  • To provide teachers from minority ethnic backgrounds the opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge to progress in maths leadership.

Who will benefit from attending?

New or aspiring KS5 Coordinators; those with responsibility for coordinating post-16 maths courses and/or raising participation in Level 3 Maths.

If this course is not quite what you are looking for, you may like to consider: 


During this course we will focus on the following aspects:

  • Active teaching methods in the KS5 classroom
  • Managing the transfer from KS4 to KS5
  • Curriculum and resourcing
  • Extension and enrichment
  • Working with colleagues.

In addition, we will consider issues which impact on teachers from minority ethnic backgrounds and have opportunities to discuss these.

Please note that although activities supporting active teaching methods will be included throughout the course and there will be discussion of the content of courses such as Core Maths and supporting students with university admissions tests, this is not designed to develop teachers' delivery of specific subject content. If you require development of your teaching of specific courses at KS5, please visit our events page and filter for the course you require.

Materials and equipment

You will need access to a good internet connection, using Chrome or Firefox as a browser. You must have access to audio, to speak as well as listen, to engage with the live sessions and you may also find a means of sharing handwritten maths, such as a mini-whiteboard and webcam, a visualiser or a graphics tablet, useful. Full details of how to set these up can be found on our online classroom support page


All teachers from minority ethnic backgrounds are eligible for this course, however free places are available only to teachers in state-funded schools, colleges and academies in England. Applications for state funded free places will be checked to verify eligibility.

Teachers must ensure that they are able to attend the live sessions before applying for a place as our courses are subject to very high demand: please do not apply for a place if you will not be able to attend at least 75% of sessions.

Further instances of our courses will be added to meet demand; if you are not able to attend 75% of the sessions in this course, you might like to consider completing our register of interest form (this is NOT an application form) and letting us know when would be better for you.


This course is free of charge to teachers working in state-funded schools, colleges and academies in England, otherwise the fee is £95.

Study schedule

DateDraft session content
Thu 25 AprIntroduction to the BAMed organisation, the support it offers and its resources. An introduction to Active teaching and learning.
Thu 02 MayDiversity within individual networks; developing active teaching and learning ideas.
Thu 09 MayManaging the transfer from KS4 to KS5
Thu 16 MayCurriculum and resourcing
Thu 23 MayExtension and enrichment
Thu 06 JunPlanning and challenges; considering the short, medium and long term departmental and personal goals.
Thu 13 JunWorking with colleagues; signposting and next steps.

This initial programme will be updated shortly and may be subject to change.


Will this course include ideas for teaching the content and subject knowledge?

The focus of this course is on leadership and although there will be some subject content included, it will be for the purposes of demonstrating active learning techniques to share with your department rather than to enable you to teach this content specifically. If you require even greater focus on pedagogy, we recommend our extended professional development programmes. For a greater emphasis on subject knowledge, we suggest our suit of Subject Knowledge Live courses - please search our events listing

I am a trainee teacher, can I join this course? Will there be a fee?

Trainee teachers are eligibile to join this course, although this will be at the standard fee. If you have already secured a role in a state funded school/college in England, or are undertaking a placement in such a school, and the school is happy to be stated on your application, then you can join the course free of charge.

I can't make the time or the day that this course is being offered, is there an alternative? Can I access the course via recordings only?

This course runs in seasons and will be available again next year. We will also add additional instances of a course if there in sufficient demand in the current season. Please complete the register of interest form giving details of your needs and this will be taken into account in our planning. We will then contact you as soon as a suitable course becomes available.

These courses are designed specifically for synchronous study and we feel strongly that live attendance, where you can interact with the tutor and other participants, is necessary to get the best experience of the course. We would recommend therefore that you seek alternative professional development which fits with your situation.

If, however, this is the only opportunity available, we will accept recordings-only participation. We would appreciate it if you would make it clear on your application that this is what you require as the viability of our courses depends on live participation numbers.

Please note that if you do not attend the live sessions, you will not qualify for a course certificate and any fees due will remain unchanged.

Key facts

  • Reference:#12763
  • Audience:Teachers
  • Curriculum focus:A level Mathematics, A level Further Mathematics, Core Maths, University admissions tests
  • Mathematical focus:Leadership, Curriculum planning, Problem solving
  • Format:Online
  • Duration:10.5 hours
  • Online sessions:5
  • Region:National
  • Start date:01 Sep 0023
  • Fee:Free for state-funded schools; £95 otherwise


If you have any queries about this event, please do not hesitate to contact:

SKL Team
[email protected]

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