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Core Maths Teacher Network

The West Midlands Core Maths Teacher Network meeting took place at the University of Birmingham on Friday 4 March 2022. After a two-year hiatus, teachers of Core Maths from across the West Midlands region were once again brought together to discuss, share and collaborate, supporting one another with classroom practice.


Core Maths training opportunities

With more schools and colleges offering the qualification and more students signing up than ever before, Core Maths is back for another year. With more teachers delivering it for the first time also, there are more opportunities for professional development to help them do the best job they can.


Exams and revision

Nothing, they say, is certain except death and taxes, but the prospect of public exams for the first summer for a while is looking fairly likely, and Year 13 students are facing A level exams without the experience of GCSEs and AS exams behind them.


If you’ve got it, flaunt it!

How much thought do you give to the calculator that your students have? The story goes that it has more processing powers than all of NASA had back in the 1960s when they put a man on the moon (too good of a story to check!)

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