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The Core Maths Specialist Lead programme will be starting its second year in September 2023 and the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP) is seeking to appoint a second cohort of Core Maths Specialist Leads.

Core Maths Specialist Leads help the AMSP to increase participation in Core Maths by working with schools and/or colleges to set up the course in their institutions, and by providing support and advice for teaching the course and for promoting it to students.

The role will amount to 15 days’ worth of time over the year and your institution will receive £5600 to release you (if you are school based). These 15 days’ worth of time will consist of attending events, working on classroom knowledge and practice, and working with local schools and/or colleges to enhance their Core Maths provision. During the first year, there is an emphasis on training and support to prepare for working with other institutions.

The deadline for applications is 5pm 21st April 2023. Interviews will be conducted online for shortlisted candidates. Training will commence in the Autumn term of 2023-24.

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