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Core Maths gaining momentum in the South

Although the Core Maths Support Programme came to an end in 2017, we are delighted that its good work was superseded by the new Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP) contract, enabling us to offer plenty of support for current and new Core Maths teachers.


Problem solving in maths admissions tests

Now that increasing numbers of universities are requiring or giving reduced offers to students taking admissions tests, knowledge of STEP, the MAT and the TMUA are no longer just for a minority of teachers who will be giving specialist coaching sessions to exceptional students


Taking Maths Further: Student Enrichment

90 excited Year 10 students arrived at Wellington College, Crowthorne, for a one day conference. The purpose of the day was to give students an insight into maths and its applications in a way not usually seen in school, and to raise their awareness of taking maths after GCSE.


Join teacher networks in the South West

The recent teacher network meetings in the South West have focused on the use of GeoGebra in the A Level classroom, problem solving in Level 3 maths and a review of last summer’s examinations, specifically how the A level examinations have altered due to the changes in the syllabus.

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