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Jean Smith, AC for East Riding of Yorkshire, City of Kingston upon Hull, North Yorkshire and York

York Area Network Meeting

Mark Heslop ran two sessions at our recent KS5 Network meeting at Fulford School. The first session, looking at the Large Data Set and statistics, included ideas for introducing the data set into lessons, suggesting that using short tasks as lesson starters before the statistics content is started would help get students used to the contexts and terminology. Mark provided teachers with lots of these starters to try out, as well as giving lots of ideas of how students can interrogate the data. The second session was showing the best use of the calculator, firstly by getting students to answer a calculator quiz – answers only! He went on to explain what some of the buttons we never use or didn’t know existed do. This was very informative especially as students are expected to use calculators more now.

Hull and East Riding Meeting

This meeting was held at Wyke College, Hull and focussed on resources which teachers had used successfully. There was time for discussion about how the resources were used and with which year group and they were shared with the group. Our new Regional Manager, Sally Anderson, was introduced and spoke about the aims of the AMSP and the work within Local Priority Areas.

Keep an eye on the events listing for more information about teacher networks in the Hull and York areas.

Raj Kumar, AC for Bradford and North/West Leeds

Leeds and Bradford Meeting

The Leeds & Bradford Mathematics Teacher Networks are AMSP-funded projects that allow teachers to meet, collaborate and share professional development. We meet termly and the programme is a mixture of interactive discussion and speaker-led training events.

Our July sessions, led by Pietro Tozzi, will focus on teaching and learning methodology for a selection of Pure & Mechanics topics that are new to the reformed A level Specification. The mechanics topic is ‘Kinematics using Calculus’, a topic that was in the legacy ‘Mechanics 2’ module. For Pure Maths, we will look at the new topics of ‘Modelling with Logarithms’ (for AS) and ‘Proof ‘(for AS/A level). The session will end with an understanding of which proofs are formally required to be learned by students, for possible testing in the A level Pure examinations. A web link will be shared at the end of the session to a comprehensive set of resources for the reformed A level and some of the Further Mathematics Options.

For future events/details and how to book, please visit our events listing.

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