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We are happy to announce that our Further Mathematics Conference will be back this year. It will also be face-to-face for the first time since 2020.

We will be running two instances of the conference, one in London and one in Manchester. They will cover a range of topics, the conference is perfect for new and experienced teachers of AS or A level Further Mathematics.

Just some of the topics covered at this year’s Further Mathematics Conference:

Some of the Topics at this year’s Further Mathematics Conference:

Linking Complex Numbers & Matrices – where we will explore and discuss the interconnectedness of two fundamental topics that students meet when studying AS Further Mathematics.

Group Theory – where you will be introduced to some great examples of where Discrete and Pure maths intersect. As well as highlight links to other areas of maths and applications of group theory.

Advanced Distribution with Desmos – where we will demonstrate how to use Desmos for a range of distributions. Including the Binomial, Normal and Poisson distributions, t-tests and PDFs/CDFs.

University Admissions Tests

We will also be giving an update on the changes occurring with the University Admissions Tests. We will give you the most up-to-date information so you can support your students.

Important information

The Further Mathematics Conference is free of charge for all teachers in England. However, due to the conference’s popularity, places will go to teachers of state-funded schools or colleges first. Other teachers will be allocated places if available.

If you are from a state-funded school or college, you may be eligible for a subsidy. Please visit our subsidies page for more information.

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