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Richard Stakes, AC for Shropshire, Staffordshire, Telford and Wrekin

The first AMSP Telford Year 10 Maths Enrichment and Inspiration event was hosted by Holy Trinity Academy on 1 July 2019.

80 Year 10 pupils from 4 Telford Secondary schools attended, accompanied by their teachers. The day consisted of a carousel of 4 workshops and a plenary entitled “Why Study More Maths?”. In the workshops, led by Liz Price, Matt Bickley, Andrew Birch and Richard Stakes (who are all AMSP Area Coordinators or Associates), the pupils learnt about the Maths of Bouncing Balls, Firing Catapults, Making Music and Winning Games.

The pupils’ comments in the evaluation forms included:

  • “Gave me ideas about what to take at A-level and future careers”
  • “Really good and fun programme”
  • “All the staff were nice and knew what they were talking about”
  • “It was enjoyable and I learnt whilst having fun”

It was a really enjoyable day for everyone. The pupils were all a pleasure to work with, and they seemed to have fun, learn something about Maths and think about what studying more Maths beyond GCSE can offer them. Many thanks to all the maths department and the catering team at Holy Trinity Academy for being such excellent hosts, and helping to make the day such a success. We hope to repeat a similar event before too long.

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