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As maths teachers, we would love as many students as possible to study maths post-16, and we are undoubtedly more aware than most of the advantages that continuing to study maths would give students.

For some background information on the benefits for students of continuing to study maths after GCSE, it is worth taking a look at this news article on our website by Rachel Beddoes (MEI), and reading Careers in Maths – Help students understand the options by Claire Baldwin (MEI) and Prof. Paul Glaister (Reading University).

The AMSP can help you get this message to both students and their parents. We run enrichment events which help foster students’ enjoyment of maths, whilst also giving the message about the importance of maths.

As well as running our larger-advertised enrichment events, we can run small in-school events, such as speaking to groups of students about careers and their maths options or running a small competition in your school.

To find out more, please contact your local Area Coordinator.

By Yvonne Scott

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