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James Groves, AC for Blackpool, Lancashire and Cumbria

Lancaster recently hosted its first 2018/19 sixth form problem solving day of the year. Taking place on 4 October at Lancaster University, the day was aimed at Year 13 students, and designed to be particularly useful for those sitting the MAT (Maths Admissions Test) or the TMUA (Test of Maths for University Admission). Sessions focused on giving students hands-on experience at tackling tricky problems, with a particular emphasis on the multiple choice format used in both examinations.

Feedback was excellent; one student commented that it was particularly useful “for going beyond the A level syllabus”. Similar AMSP days for Year 13 students were held in Liverpool and Manchester during October; the AMSP in the North West tries to offer a variety of venues for its problem solving days, which you can explore via our new events listing.

A full programme of AMSP problem-solving events, for both Year 12 and Year 13 students with their teachers, will be taking place across the North West during 2018/19. The AMSP particularly encourages schools who have not previously participated to send a group of students to one of our events this year. Thanks to government funding, they are all free – with refreshments provided!

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