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The AMSP has been developing additional resources to help support the learning of maths during school and college closures, and there is more still to come in the weeks ahead.

You can view up-to-date details on our resources for students in Year 10 to Year 13 below, and more information on our current and planned support can be viewed on the AMSP website.

We have developed two separate components to support Year 11 students who intend to take AS/A level Mathematics and/or Further Mathematics – resources and an online course.

There are six sets of resources that each focus on consolidating one essential cross-topic skill, such as simplifying, sketching or solving. All six sets of resources are available now, as well as teacher notes.

The online course focuses on techniques and concepts that students will have met at Higher Tier GCSE and will be further developed at A level. Some topics within the online course, such as Geometry and Integers, will be available from Friday 10 July, and all topics will be available by Thursday 30 July. Students can sign up here.

An online course for Year 11 students who are predicted a good pass or better in GCSE Mathematics, and are intending to study non-maths A level subjects such as Biology, Psychology, Geography, Business; level 3 vocational courses; and/or level 3 Core Maths. Our Core Maths Skills course is designed to help students revise the maths skills they will need for their level 3 studies, and provides full solutions to all questions and automatically marked online tests. There are seven topics available now as part of this course, including Estimation and accuracy and Probability, and there is one topic yet to come – Data tables, averages and spread.

Students can sign up for this course for free. Teachers in AMSP-registered schools can access this course using their school’s shared Integral account. If your school is not yet registered with the AMSP, you can do so now for free on the AMSP website.

We have extended AMSP registration access to Integral to include free access to all AS and A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics resources. With guidance from teachers, Year 12 and 13 A level Mathematics students can use our wide range of resources to self-study topics to consolidate or complete their first year, and to introduce topics they will cover in their second year.

If your school or college is registered with the AMSP, you and your students can access these resources on Integral now. If your school or college is not yet registered with the AMSP, you can do so now for free on the AMSP website.

MEI has extended AMSP registration access to include all of Integral’s AS/A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics resources, excluding the online tests and the student management features, which are only available by subscription.

If your school or college is not already registered, you can do so now for free on the AMSP website. Once you are registered, you can request this temporary enhancement of your AMSP registration by completing this form.

A course for Year 13 students who have studied A level Mathematics and are going on to study an undergraduate degree course in maths, engineering, physics or a related subject. It aims to consolidate essential A level Mathematics skills, introduce topics that students may cover at university, and suggest wider reading.

This course is hosted on Integral and is accessible via your school’s shared student login. Please ensure your Year 13 students have the shared login details they will need to access to the programme over the summer.

A series of ten enrichment activities to engage Year 10 students and maintain their interest in studying level 3 maths. All ten sets of resources are available now, and are also suitable to be used with other year groups.

Nine sets of fully-resourced activities have been designed to support the many Maths Clubs that take place nationally, with more coming soon. These activities aim to promote student engagement and interest, and can be used as extension activities with 11-16 students at any level. You can view the resources on the AMSP website.

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