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Many schools across London will be using the upcoming Senior Team Maths Challenge competitions as a catalyst to raise the profile of problem solving amongst students taking Level 3 Maths courses. If you want ideas about how to do this, please contact your Area Coordinator. The STMCs are fun packed events with fast paced puzzles and problems aimed at developing student collaboration and communication. You can try out some questions from previous years’ in order to get prepared.

The competitions are taking place at 10 venues, on 10 different dates across London, Kent and Medway. These are chosen to facilitate easy access for school: venues in Canterbury & Rochester cater for Kent and Medway; venues in Bromley, Kingston, Hammersmith, Tottenham and Bethnal Green cater for the compass points of outer London; and there are three events taking place in the centre of London which aim to be accessible to as many as possible. Book now to avoid tears and tantrums from the teenagers.

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