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On Thursday 25 February 2021, we had the privilege of hosting Stella Dudzic from the AMSP national team at the North East statistics online teacher conference who talked us through some methods of introducing Normal distribution using some real-life data.

Quetelet, a Belgian 19th century astronomer, was a pioneer in applying statistical methods to astronomy but also to so-called ‘Social Physics’ and human body measurements. More than a century later, his ideas were developed into the Body Mass Index (BMI). Stella demonstrated using GeoGebra and Autograph ideas for dealing with Large Data Sets. We continued to explore how technology can be used in teaching, particularly when modelling and telling the story from the data.

The next session in the North East statistics online teacher conference is taking place on Thursday 25 March 2021 from 16:15-17:45, and will focus on hypothesis testing. This session is taking place on the day of publication of the North East March 2021 regional newsletter, but there are still places available and you can sign up on the day on the AMSP website. If you’re unable to attend this session, there are also still places available on the last session in the conference which will take place on Tuesday 20 April 2021 and will focus on correlation and regression. You can sign up for this event on the AMSP website.

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