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Maths Inspiration and the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme are bringing back their summer maths lectures for 2019! Due to the popularity of these interactive and inspirational events for Year 9 and 10s, Playing for Real is being rolled out at four new venues this year. The talks showcase a wide range of engaging speakers, including mathematicians, statisticians and engineers, in the hope of opening young people’s eyes to careers and further study in STEM subject areas.

This summer’s event will focus on playing games and their application for studying maths. If you think playing games are just for fun, then think again! Games contain some of the most important maths you’ll ever need in everyday life, from managing money to out-thinking competitors. Students will get the chance to play some games and even win prizes.

Playing for Real lectures encompass three interactive talks, an interval and a lively Q&A session. The events are just two hours long, designed to minimise impact on the school day for both teachers and students. Line-ups vary between events, but the speakers include a former professional magician, a mathematics musician and a bestselling author – so this is not an event you want to miss!

Tickets are £9 per student and teachers come for free. You can find out more about the event in our description and explore which venue is best for you.

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