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You may remember the great AMSP Dragon Quizzes that we’ve often run in schools, where pupils work in teams of four to solve challenging problems. Each correct answer earns a piece of a dragon and the more pieces, the longer the team’s dragon. And, as we all know, longer dragons mean prizes!

We’ve now managed to create an online version of the Dragon Quiz for Year 8 and Year 9 pupils, by making a self-marked Desmos Classroom activity. Once a team enters the correct answer, they earn a new dragon and can then move on to the next question. The Dragon Quiz is easy to administer and run and takes up to an hour, but could be run in a 45 or 50-minute lesson. The problems are of varying levels of difficulty but all encourage pupils to work in teams, talk about ideas for solutions, and think and work together. Above all, it’s fun!

If you’re interested in running this Year 8/9 Dragon Quiz before the end of the school year, please contact your local Area Coordinator or me ([email protected]). We’ll send you a link to the quiz to sample and arrange a date.

By Richard Stakes

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