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Angus Grogono, AC for Barnet, Enfield, Haringey, Harrow and Waltham Forest

The first Teacher Network meeting at the London Academy of Excellence Tottenham was a great success, with 24 teachers attending from across the boroughs of North East London. The goal of the twilight session was to explore how to teach statistics components through the Large Data Set, rather than approach the LDS as a separate topic.

The group was led through an example of this, which explored how to test a hypothesis for zero correlation (a topic new to the statistics syllabus, with high conceptual demand). Inevitably technology played a large part in the session, and teachers shared skills in the use of calculators, Excel, GeoGebra and Socrative.

The goal of every teacher creating a new resource for teaching with the LDS was a little ambitious; much of the event feedback requested more time. Resources were shared via Dropbox after the event. General feedback felt there was scope for a half or whole day of CPD on teaching statistics and using GeoGebra effectively. Regional planning of CPD events will reflect this.

A session with the same focus will take place at Harrow School in March, and there is still spaces to join in. AMSP Key Stage 5 Teacher Networks usually meet once a term, so don’t miss out on the next meeting of your local network.

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