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Raj Kumar, AC for North and West Leeds

Students in Yorkshire attended our Year 10 enrichment day, Taking Mathematics Further, which aimed to extend their experience of maths beyond GCSE. The five sessions were a mixture of topics such as Maths of the Rubik’s Cube, Mobius Strips, Exploring Alternative Geometries and Fractals. All students were included in the final session, ‘Juggling Patterns’ by Colin Wright. Feedback from students and teachers were excellent.

Some comments from students were:

  • “I can finally solve a Rubik’s Cube!”
  • “It was interesting to see how Fractals are used in everyday life”
  • “Colin was funny, engaging and showed how maths is used in juggling”
  • “Entertaining & informative”
  • “Enjoyed how algorithms are used to solve problems”

Comments from teachers included:

  • “The variety of tasks inspired my students to think about the bigger picture”
  • “The final lecture was very engaging and showed students that maths is everywhere”
  • “Please run one for our Year 8 students!!!”
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