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Do you know that the AMSP has a wealth of options related to supporting students with transition to maths-related degrees at university? If you have one or more students who’ll need to take a university admissions test, then you’ve come to the right place!

The AMSP website has a dedicated webpage where you can find out about online tuition for STEP/MAT/TMUA. You can sign your students up to online tuition using that webpage, or get in touch with your local Area Coordinator to ask about regular classes that they’re providing locally.

One high-quality source of information is our free e-magazine, SUMS (Steps to University for Mathematical Students). It’s packed full of great content, such as:

  • Where can maths take you? – interviews with maths graduates.
  • Preparing for university – advice for what students could and should be doing now.
  • Studying at university – insights from undergraduate students and lecturers on what it’s like to study maths.
  • Do some maths – puzzles, problems, and new maths topics, plus the chance to get your work published in future issues!

Our On Demand Professional Development (ODPD) courses are very popular for teachers who are short on time but have a professional development need. They’re made up of a series of learning ‘pods’ accessible any time within a one-year period, and accompanied by access to a forum where you can share ideas and network with other teachers who are tracking the resources along with you. Preparing your students for STEP is specifically designed for teachers supporting students who are taking STEP.

For now, I’ll leave you with a puzzle from the latest issue of SUMS, which is taken from MEI’s Maths Item of The Month, April 2020. This problem is adapted from a problem by Ed Southall. You can try an interactive version on GeoGebra. Maybe it’ll inspire you to read the magazine. I’m off to read my copy!

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