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Andrew Birch, AC for Cheshire East, Manchester, Salford, Stockport, and Trafford

The AMSP hosted an enrichment day, Sine me up Salford, at Maxwell Hall, Salford University on Wednesday 24th April. The event was fully booked and attended by over 70 Key Stage 4 students from Salford and beyond. The varied programme included workshops on mechanics, “tricky” numbers and the mathematics of card tricks. In the afternoon, students were treated to a fascinating talk on the Hidden Maths of Technology by Katie Steckles.

Students engaged brilliantly throughout the day and enjoyed learning about some practical applications of maths that they had never encountered before. A great day all round!

Below are a few of the students’ comments:

  • “The mathematical magic workshop was very engaging and fun. I learnt lots of new things”
  • “The workshop on Tricky Numbers was fun and interesting. There were lots of activities”
  • “I liked the mechanics session as it helped me to understand physics”
  • “All the presenters were amazing!”

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