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It’s a little-known fact but a sheet of A-series paper fits perfectly inside a cube as shown below:

Using this as a starting point, here in the AMSP North East region, we’ll be running a set of professional development sessions based on Proof, Paper-folding and Problem Solving. We’re planning a set of three online sessions which will consist of a series of linked problems and tasks which will explore the remarkable properties of A-series paper, and demonstrate how this readily available resource can be utilised to create hands-on tasks, problems and activities with little to no prep time.

We’re yet to finalise a date, but the first session will definitely take place within the summer term so keep an eye out over the next couple of weeks on the AMSP North East regional events page.

In the meantime, if you’d like some origami-based inspiration, why not check out the following…

…and see how far down the origami rabbit hole you can fall!

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