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As you’ll be aware, this year the AMSP has been unable to run our local face-to-face events, so we’ve turned to the power of technology to run online enrichment events for Year 10 students.

As an Area Coordinator, I wanted to know what these events looked and felt like so I booked myself onto How much is too much?, which took place during Maths Week England. These enrichment events are streamed into classrooms so that the teacher and students can listen and take part at the same time as watching. Though you can’t interact with the presenters, there is time to allow student and teacher discussions on what has been presented.

The two presenters for this event were Nicole Cozens and Avril McLeer, who did a great job of talking about the game of Got It. This is a game where two players take turns to chose a number between 1 and 4 and add their choices until one player gets to 23. This player is the winner. Nicole and Avril played this a few times and left time for students to play to see if they could work out a winning strategy.

Even on my own, I managed to play along and worked out what the strategy was. This was extended to look at other versions of the game, and there was a discussion on the maths behind the gaming strategy, all with timely gaps to allow in-class discussion between students and teacher.

If you didn’t manage to sign up to one of these events held in the autumn term, we’re running How much is too much? twice more over the coming weeks. You can view more information and apply for these events on the AMSP website. I’d also recommend looking out for the next series of these enrichment events, which will include careers-related maths in the spring term and other maths topics in the summer term. You can keep an eye out for these events on the AMSP events page.

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