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Do you teach students who are planning on applying to study Mathematics at a University that requires them to sit the Mathematics Admissions Test (MAT) or the Test of Mathematics for University Admission (TMUA)?

We are running two online courses to help students prepare for these mathematical admissions tests, which are used by universities, including Durham University, Imperial College, Lancaster University, the University of Oxford, and the University of Warwick. Although students are welcome to attend both courses, there’s no obligation to do so.

The Online course for the MAT and the Online course for the TMUA are comprised of seven one-hour live online sessions that will include the discussion of key points and examples from past papers. The sessions will be recorded if students cannot attend live, and students will receive access to additional online resources, including extra notes, exercise sheets and solutions.

The fee for each course is £60, though there are some funded places available to those eligible.

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