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We’re excited to launch our free SUMS (Steps to University for Mathematical Students) enrichment day, which we’ve designed to develop students’ problem-solving and teamwork skills and to encourage more female students to study maths.

This enrichment day is designed for female Year 12 A level Mathematics students who are considering studying maths or a closely-related subject at university. Non-binary and trans students are most welcome at this event if they feel this is the right space for them. If you have any queries, please get in touch.

We’re running our SUMS enrichment day at different universities to enable students from across the country to attend and to experience a university environment. During the day, students will work on an extended problem in small groups, quiz current students about university life, and hear from young women who use maths in their jobs.

If your students have been reading our free monthly web-magazine, SUMS, they may be particularly interested in these enrichment days as they’ll extend the content covered in the magazine!

Events available to book are:

University College London

Friday 24 June 2022

We’re also planning a SUMS enrichment day in London. Details will be added to this webpage when it’s available to book, or you can subscribe to our mailing list to be notified when applications are open.

Students can apply for these events themselves, or teachers can apply on their behalf. Priority will be given to students from state-funded schools. These events are designed for students to attend independently, rather than for large school groups. Should the event be oversubscribed, individual and small group applications will be prioritised over large school trips.

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