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Are you looking for challenge and engagement for your Year 9 pupils? Our Year 9 Picnic is a fun competition for teams of three or four, like our Year 10 Maths Feasts but shorter and with fewer rounds. Pupils will need to discuss the maths and work cooperatively to solve the challenges in the time available.

You could run the Year 9 Picnic within one class to find the winning team, across more than one class as an in-school competition, or across a group of schools… the choice is yours! It can be run within a one-hour lesson, or a 50-minute lesson by adjusting the timing for the rounds.

This Desmos-based competition can be led by the school, or with AMSP support to help manage the technology. Please get in touch with your local Area Coordinator or directly with me ([email protected]) to find out more. There is also a paper-based version of the Year 9 Picnic, which will be available when social distancing rules permit.

You can find links to all of our upcoming local enrichment events on the West Midlands regional events page.

By Christine Watson

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