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Online teacher network meetings turned out to be very popular during the period of lockdown in the spring and summer, and continue to attract teachers now that we are back in school. Teachers from around the East of England region have met a number of times over the first half of the autumn term, and even slightly before it started. We have considered the impact of the summer awarding process, the attainment and re-adjustment of students after the long lockdown period, and the changes to teaching and learning from September.

Holding these meetings online has allowed them to be shorter and more frequent, and has also allowed teachers who may have missed out previously due to other commitments or travel constraints to join in. Many meetings continue to be largely discussion-based, with an agenda based on the current issues that attendees are facing. Such discussions have been facilitated by the use of breakout rooms, allowing teachers to talk in smaller groups. Other networks, like the recent regional meeting on Raising Girls’ Participation, feature expert input from guest speakers like the AMSP Girls’ Participation Coordinator, Rachel Beddoes. If you would like to request a topic for discussion or expert input at a future teacher network meeting, please get in touch with your local Area Coordinator.

Quotes from participants include:

  • It was useful to hear how teachers have increased interactivity with remote learning.
  • I found it very useful – helpful and no pressure on delegates.
  • Breakout rooms were great.
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