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The AMSP works with schools and universities across the country to support Year 12 and Year 13 students who are planning to apply for one of an increasing number of university courses that require students to sit an additional maths test. Our Year 12 courses are aimed at developing more general problem-solving skills with a focus on the mathematical content of the various admissions tests held in early November, whilst the Year 13 courses are now specifically aimed at supporting students needing to sit one or more of the STEP papers in the summer.

In previous years, students would meet up for a morning or an evening and work through problems together but, for the time being, we are breaking out and collaborating in small groups in online classrooms. There is now no need to travel, so classes now tend to be for a shorter time and offered more regularly. Students who have traditionally found it impossible to attend because they cannot get to a venue can now access this support. The Norfolk courses have attracted students from as far afield as Scotland and Lincolnshire.

Although some courses have already begun, more are starting over the next few months and details can be found on the AMSP events page. There are places available and, of course, they are free.

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