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On Monday 7 October, nearly 80 year 10 pupils from six Stoke on Trent Academies visited Trentham Academy for a “Girls In Maths” event.

Katie Stocking (University of Manchester) and Rachael Davies (from IBM), both Mathematics graduates from Keele University, talked about their careers and how maths had helped them achieve their successful and exciting careers. They set a task for the students to solve a flight scheduling problem, and then explained how they used those problem solving and reasoning skills everyday in their own work.

Sarah Behenna, from the WISE Campaign campaign presented the “My Skills, My Life” quiz to help the students discover their personality types, and see how their skills matched up to Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) careers.

Michael Xu and Allema Iqbal from PwC talked about career opportunities at PwC including apprenticeship and degree sponsorship routes and all the things on offer to PwC employees.

Many students commented on how informative the morning was, gave them an idea of different job opportunities, and helped inform them about STEM career opportunities to fit their personalities and skills.

The day was summed up by one student who said “Very educational and inspirational and an eye-opener to the things available in later life”

Many thanks to Trentham Academy for hosting the event, and providing wonderful refreshments for everyone.

By Richard Stakes

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