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From Monday 11-Friday 15 July 2022, we’re holding our second annual AMSP World of Work week. As last year, it will feature free enrichment activities for students, teachers, Career Leaders, and parents that focus on the importance of mathematical skills in the workplace. Activities that will be available include:

In our Which Career? – Meet people working in different roles panel events, you’ll get to hear from employees from a wide variety of jobs about how they got into their roles, what it’s actually like to be at work, and how the maths skills that they’ve developed help them day-to-day. Teachers and students can ask their own questions of the panel, and our guests will offer plenty of advice and encouragement for students to continue with maths! Our speakers work in varying industries, from investment to visual effects and from companies including Aviva, Pure Gym, and PwC. Teachers can sign up classes to take part in our Which Career? Meet people working in different roles enrichment events, taking place on Monday 11 July 2022 and Friday 15 July 2022. Both events last for 40-45 minutes and are run at different times to hopefully fit within a lesson and your timetable. Why not ask your Careers Lead to organise your school’s involvement?

Don’t worry if those events don’t fit into your timetable – your students don’t have to miss out! On Thursday 14 July 2022 from 16:30-17:15, the AMSP and Maths4Girls are jointly hosting Using maths to improve lives, an online panel event that students can get involved in from the comfort of their own home. You’ll hear how maths is needed to help find the best treatments for cancer, discover what a Health Architect is, and more. Teachers and parents are welcome too! This is another great opportunity for students to find out what maths options they have after GCSE.

If you’re looking for something careers-related for teachers, our Core Maths Summer Festival is running over June and July and many of the sessions will provide inspiration from well-known speakers and practical ways of linking the maths curriculum to careers. Specific sessions that you may find useful are:

Alongside all of these exciting events, you’ll also find videos and activities related to careers on the AMSP website that you can use any time in your classroom. The activities all contain contextualised teaching points linked to careers, and will enable you to achieve Gatsby Benchmark 4 (linking careers to the curriculum). Some of the activities are written by employers and so are particularly authentic.

Below is an example timetable to demonstrate how you might fit some of our World of Work week activities into your lessons. Short activities are five minute videos that you could use as starters or in tutor time. The longer activities would easily fill a 50-60 minute lesson.

DateShort activitiesLonger activitiesEvents
Monday 11 July 2022Careers in Climate Science
Sammie’s story
Trees and Carbon CaptureOpens a new windowTrees and Carbon Capture
Which Career? – Meet people working in different roles
Suitable for Year 9-11 students and their teachers
Tuesday 12 July 2022What is Location Planning?
John’s story
Plan a festivalOpens a new window – Desmos activityWhat’s Going On in This Graph? with The New York Times
Suitable for teachers
Wednesday 13 July 2022Allied Health careers
Sarah’s story
Coding with LOGO or Creating art with Desmos
Thursday 14 July 2022What is an Actuary?
Mudi’s story
Explore careers whilst learning about income tax and national insuranceOpens a new window – Desmos activityUsing maths to improve livesOpens a new window
Suitable for Year 7-9 students, their teachers, and their parents
Friday 15 July 2022Maths and Space
Jackie’s story
Advise Just Eat on their marketing strategyWhich Career? – Meet people working in different roles
Suitable for Year 9-11 students and their teachers

We do hope you’ll join us for World of Work week! If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].

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