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If you are registered with the AMSP you can now access a new collection of free resources tailored to specific Core Maths qualifications.

The AMSP has been developing a new learning platform to support the level 3 Core Maths qualifications. We’ve already created generic Core Maths resources that cover most of the common content of the current qualifications. These have been trialled with a small number of centres and are available to all schools and colleges that have registered with the AMSP for 2019-20.

The content of the learning platform is spilt into topics. Within each topic there’s a teacher area containing teacher-led lessons, and a student area containing interactive, online learning materials, with tests that are mostly auto-marked.

Over the summer, we’ve been adapting and organising these resources into new courses relevant to specific Core Maths qualifications; these new resources are now also available to schools and colleges that have registered with the AMSP for 2019-20.

Schools/colleges that have registered with the AMSP for 2019-20 can also apply for free individual teacher and student accounts for these resources. These accounts will enable teachers to track the progress of individual students.

We recently contacted registered schools and colleges to explain how they can access these new features.

If your school/college is not yet registered with the AMSP, please complete the registration form. It’s free, and it will provide you with access to a wide range of resources, in addition to the Core Maths learning platform.

Throughout the forthcoming academic year we will be developing further qualification-specific content. If you would like to preview any of this new material and help us to develop and refine it, then please join our growing community of trial centres. Further details are available from Terry Dawson.

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