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The AMSP can provide you with lots of free resources to help you promote maths beyond GCSE to your students and their parents/carers.

Parents and carers, in particular, are key influencers in the decisions their children make when it comes to post-16 subject choices. It’s therefore important that they, as well as students, receive the right messages about maths. With this in mind, the AMSP has put together a collection of materials which we hope you will find useful to promote the different maths pathways available after GCSE.

The first is a downloadable Why Study Maths? presentation about the importance of studying maths after GCSE. It outlines all the options available, and provides compelling reasons for choosing to take an advanced maths qualification. This is a flexible resource to which you can easily add or remove slides to suit your talk/event. For example, teachers often use the presentation as a slideshow running in a loop during open days and evening events. It could just as easily be reduced to a few key slides and used in an assembly.

You may already be familiar with our leaflet Maths: Opening the door to your future. You can request free hard copies of this leaflet to give to your students. It’s ideal for use at open days/evenings.

If your school/college offers Core Maths (we hope it does!), we have a series of Core Maths postcards and posters that you can use to promote it to students and parents/carers. They show how studying Core Maths can support students’ studies in six other subject areas. As well as using them within your maths department, please encourage your colleagues in other departments to use them to promote Core Maths to students thinking of taking the featured subjects.

You can find further information and resources to encourage the take-up of advanced maths options here on our website, for both you and for your students.

Coming Soon! Other materials in development include:

  • Core Maths information sheet for students
  • Further Maths information sheet for students
  • A level Maths and Further Maths postcards
  • Raising Girls’ Participation leaflet

Hard copies of all of our publications are available for free to state-funded schools/colleges in England. Simply send details of the quantities required, a contact name, and the address of your school/college to [email protected].

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