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Maths without limits is a series of enrichment events for Key Stage 4 girls in Manchester. As well as taking part in workshops and enjoying a keynote talk, the girls also have the opportunity to speed network with a wide range of female STEM ambassadors. Examples of ambassadors’ job titles from events so far include scientists, actuaries, business owners and mathematicians.

The aim of the events is to enable the girls to learn about a wide range of career pathways available to them when choosing to study mathematics qualifications beyond GCSE, as well as doing some fun maths along the way!

Maths without limits 3 is open to all state-funded schools and academies, and will take place at Xaverian College in Manchester on Thursday 9 July 2020. Interest in this event is always very high, so early booking is strongly advised. To book a place at the event, please visit our website.

If you have any queries, please contact Andrew Birch.

By Andrew Birch

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