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The Teacher Network is an AMSP-funded project allowing teachers of maths to meet, to collaborate and to share professional development. We meet regularly and the programme is a mixture of interactive discussion and speaker-led training events.

Raising the aspirations of your students

This meeting will focus on extending the range and depth of mathematics taught within the curriculum and consider the potential impact on students' grades by extending our curriculum.

We will consider the other mathematical qualifications, in particular AS and A Level Further Mathematics.  We will also consider University admissions test questions and how these can be incorporated into the A Level Mathematics curriculum to help broaden the curriculum within the time allocated for teaching.  Finally, we will consider ways in which we can encourage more students to consider choosing Maths and Further Maths A Levels and how to support them.



  • To consider ways of extending the curriculum 
  • To discuss ways to include TMUA and MAT questions into the A Level curriculum
  • To consider possible strategies to support students, especially students aiming for Bs or Cs


Who will benefit from attending?

The meeting is suitable for all teachers of mathematics but will be partiularly useful for those teaching A Level Mathematics even in schools where AS or A Level Further Mathematics is not on the curriculum. 


Materials and equipment

We will be doing some maths, and whilst a calculator is not essential, it may be helpful.

Other information

Light refresments will be provided.

Key facts

  • Reference:#12939
  • Audience:Teachers
  • Curriculum focus:A level Mathematics, A level Further Mathematics
  • Mathematical focus:Curriculum planning, Problem solving
  • Format:Face-to-face
  • Duration:1.5 hours
  • Region:South West
  • Fee:Free


If you have any queries about this event, please do not hesitate to contact:

Margaret Harding
[email protected]

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