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Teaching Mechanics 1 (TM1) is an extended professional development course for teachers wishing to build their confidence in teaching mechanics. TM1 covers the mechanics content from all major specifications for AS/A level Mathematics.

TM1 consists of:

  • Ten live online tutorials, plus an optional extra session for complete beginners
  • Two compulsory study days
  • Access to course-specific teaching and learning resources on Integral (MEI’s learning platform)
  • Email support from a tutor and access to an online group forum

Towards the end of the course a short assignment is issued, for which support and guidance are provided. Course certificates will be available for those participants completing the assignment.

After TM1, participants have the opportunity to continue to TM2, which will further expand understanding of mechanics teaching and cover the mechanics content from AS/A level Further Mathematics.

Key details

Curriculum focus:A level Mathematics
Mathematical focus:Mechanics
Format:Sustained PD
Course length:6 Months(s)
Fee:Free for state-funded schools; £495 otherwise

Who will benefit from attending?

TM1 is designed for teachers who are currently teaching AS/A level Mathematics, or who wish to teach it at some point in the near future. 

Our extended courses enable teachers to broaden and deepen their subject, pedagogical and pedagogical content knowledge. This makes teachers better equipped to make links between topics, address students’ misconceptions and confidently challenge learners at all attainment levels. Our course aims and intended outcomes are consistent with the principles set out in the Education Inspection Framework.

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