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This event is for enthusiastic Year 12 female maths students who are considering studying maths or a closely-related subject at university. Non-binary and trans students are most welcome if they feel this is the right space for them. If you have any queries, please get in touch.

The day has been designed to develop students' problem-solving and teamwork skills and to encourage more female students to study maths. Students will work on an extended problem in small groups, quiz current students about university life, and hear from young women who use maths in their jobs. We're hosting this event at universities to enable students to experience a university environment.


  • To develop students' problem solving skills
  • To experience working as a group on an extended mathematical problem
  • To provide information about the requirements of applicants for a maths or maths-rich undergraduate degree
  • To experience a university environment and engage with current students
  • To encourage more female students to study mathematics

Who will benefit from attending?

This event should be accessible to all Year 12 A level mathematics students who are curious about studying a maths-rich subject at university. 


The Programme is likely to include the following sessions:

  • Slow Maths: working in small groups on an extended problem
  • Speed Networking: an opportunity to quiz current university students about aspects of university life 
  • Early Career Showcase: presentations from young women using mathematics in their jobs 
  • Applying to university: information about the additional requirements for studying mathematics at several universities

Materials and equipment

Please bring a pen/pencil and paper.

Other information

This event will take place at multiple venues, where the content will be very similar at each. We regret that we will be unable to provide transport costs and would encourage you to consider this when applying and select the most appropriate venue to attend.

**Students will need to bring their own packed lunch and should also bring water a refillable bottle; there will be an opportunity to refill bottles. Other light refreshments will be provided for students during break times. Students with specific dietary requirements may wish to bring their own refreshments.**


Priority will be given to bookings from state-funded schools. 

Teachers should complete the application form on behalf of their students. 

We are limiting the number of delegates to a maximum of 10 per school, which should include no more than 8 students and 2 accompanying Teachers. Teachers are not required to attend these events, but should you wish to, please indicate this on the application form, and include any dietary requirements for yourself and the other teacher. We are hopeful we can accommodate accompanying Teachers and welcome bookings that reflect this.

Any queries regarding this event, please contact [email protected].

Key facts

  • Reference:#12467
  • Audience:Students
  • Curriculum focus:University admissions tests
  • Format:Face-to-face
  • Duration:5
  • Region:National


If you have any queries about this event, please do not hesitate to contact:

Student Engagement Admin Team
[email protected]
01225 776776

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