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The Advanced Maths Support Programme and the University of Leicester invite you and your Year 10 students to a day of stimulating talks and workshops designed to showcase the fun and usefulness of maths beyond the curriculum.

The event is aimed at Year 10 mathematicians who may go on to study core maths, A level maths or further maths at post-16, especially those that need a little encouragement to do so.

In particular, please consider bringing students who attract pupil premium funding or pupils who meet criteria for this, free school meals or otherwise at risk of educational disadvantage. It may be possible to bring additional students if space allows nearer the time. 


  • To offer students a taste of maths beyond GCSE
  • To provide information about Maths courses post-16
  • To have fun working on unusual maths problems and learning about new areas of maths
  • To provide an opportunity to see the University and campus

Who will benefit from attending?

The event is aimed at those students who would benefit from studying level 3 mathematics after GCSE, though you may want to consider other students within your school or college. It will inform students about their options for studying mathematics after GCSE. No knowledge of mathematics beyond that expected at Key Stage 3 will be assumed, challenge is provided via the context.

Materials and equipment

Please bring paper to write on and an inquisitive mind. 

Other information

Students must be accompanied by a teacher or a DBS checked adult from their school who will remain responsible for them at all times.

Students should bring their own packed lunch. Lunch will be provided for the adults.


This is a FREE event for all state schools. Priority schools from the Leicester City area are particularly encouraged to attend.

There will be an initial limit of 10 places per school, if you would like more places for your school, please email.

Study schedule

09:15Arrival and registration
09:30Where can maths take you? AMSP and University of Leicester
10:00Workshop 1
11:00Workshop 2
11:45Workshop 3
12:30Lunch - Students bring pack lunch
13:00Tour of University Campus / Workshop 4
13:45Workshop 4 / Tour of University Campus
14:30Closing notes and an opportunity to ask questions.


Key facts

  • Reference:#12809
  • Audience:Students
  • Target year:Year 10
  • Curriculum focus:11-16 Maths
  • Format:Face-to-face
  • Duration:1 day
  • Region:East Midlands
  • Fee:This event is free.
  • TSMA subsidy:Up to £100 travel bursary is available to attend an AMSP enrichment event for groups of students aged 11-16 at a university or other multi-school event.


If you have any queries about this event, please do not hesitate to contact:

Rima Pancholi
[email protected]

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