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Following the incredible engagement in our Core Maths Winter Festival, we’re delighted to announce the return of our free Core Maths Summer Festival for 2021. The Festival is relevant to any teacher who would like to bring their contextualised maths lessons to life, including maths teachers of any level (regardless of experience with Core Maths) and teachers of other subjects with mathematical requirements, such as Biology, Geography and Social Science.

Our Core Maths Summer Festival will feature ten interactive workshops, each designed to enthuse, challenge and enlighten you around a theme related to Core Maths. Maths for social justice is also a recurrent theme at this year’s Festival. You can download the Core Maths Summer Festival 2021 programme to view more information about session presenters and content.

The workshops will take place over June and July 2021, and sessions available to book are:

The workshops will aim to emulate as much of the face-to-face experience as possible so you will be strongly encouraged to turn on your webcam for some or all of the session. Breakout rooms will be used for short discussions in most sessions, so please come prepared to reflect with others!

You can view more information and apply for sessions on the AMSP website.

Our Core Maths Summer Festival is free of charge to all teachers in England. All teachers are eligible to apply for a place but, if the Festival becomes over-subscribed, teachers from state-funded schools and colleges will be given priority. This means that we may be unable to provide places to non-state-sector applicants.

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