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Glyn Evans, Regional Lead for the North East

Core Maths is really alive and kicking in the North East! Our recent Area Coordinator day was organised by AC Jeremy Dawson, and it was great to see so many teachers at the event. This PD day really focused on the fact that maths is at the core of so many subjects. The extremely vibrant group of teachers in attendance were committed to the principles of Core Maths, and were willing to collaborate and share resources with their peers.

Jeremy did a fantastic job in organising the day and the feedback was excellent. The collaboration over pre-release materials was very beneficial and the presentation from the AMSP’s Core Maths Lead, Cat van Saarloos, was both knowledgeable and informative.

As more schools and colleges opt to offer this exciting new level 3 qualification, it’s an exciting time for Core Maths, and we’re expanding our online resources to support teachers further. If you want to discuss developing Core Maths in your institution, please make contact with any of the North East team. Come on board the Core Maths train and enjoy the journey!

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