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The AMSP East of England regional team hosted a series of live online sessions as part of Maths Week England. Year 10 students from schools around and beyond the East of England region competed against each other in teams of four, working on devices of their choice, to solve problems using various maths and puzzling skills.

The quiz itself was written to be accessed by students in Desmos as a self-marking activity with no hints available. Each correctly-solved question was rewarded with a gain of a new dragon, and the aim was to complete as many questions as possible (within the given time) to collect as many dragons as possible to win the competition. Although students could not see the other teams and did not know of their position in the race, hosts offered a lively and encouraging commentary to update everyone on progress and leadership. Some teams found the questions tricky, while others sailed through the quiz with ease. It was a really challenging, fun and fast activity.

Overall, 30 schools took part in six sessions which ran over three days. In one of the sessions, we had 300 students taking part! We received some great feedback from the teachers who joined the sessions with their students, including:

  • The boost that it’s given our students was a breath of fresh air.
  • The students massively enjoyed the session today and they all want to participate next time!
  • Any future competitions you have please email us and we will 100% take part.

We’re planning to run this live online quiz again in the summer term. If you’d like to be notified when it’s available to book, please subscribe to receive our latest news. In the spring term, we’ll once again be running our popular Maths Feasts which you can sign up to now!

If you’re interested in similar activities, please contact your local Area Coordinator.

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