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Following the lockdown announcement and correspondence from the DfE/Ofqual regarding assessment and grading for summer 2020, we received many emails from teachers in our region asking if there would be an opportunity for them to meet with others to discuss the situation for Core Maths students. As a response to the local need, the East of England regional team decided to organise a teacher network meeting which very quickly became a national event, as the same need was identified all over the country.

On the beautiful and sunny morning of Friday 15 May 2020, over 130 teachers joined us to discuss their experience with setting Centre Assessment Grades for Core Maths. The meeting was led by a panel of teachers who agreed to lead the discussion, share their approaches and answer questions from others. Guest speakers were invited to explain how they approached the process of setting the grades and what difficulties and uncertainty they faced. We were joined by many teachers who were new to Core Maths, and also by many in centres where Core Maths would have been assessed for the first time this year. The opportunity to hear more experienced teachers and ask questions was greatly appreciated. We stayed long past the planned hour and kept the discussion going.

The feedback from the event was excellent and many expressed an interest in following up this event with another opportunity for discussion once results are out.

We received lots of positive feedback on this meeting…

  • “It was really interesting to hear the wide variety of circumstances and consequent issues that were arising.”
  • “Thanks for hosting. I found the meeting fascinating, hearing other peoples’ approaches. A very insightful morning!”
  • “Many thanks for the webinar. It was very useful.”

Please contact your local Area Coordinator if you have any requests for specific support for your department.

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