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There has been a theft: someone has stolen an original and signed drawing by the artist M.C. Escher from a Manchester museum. The police have several key suspects. But… “whodunnit?!”


A review of maths books

Teaching students virtually can’t be easy; nor might it be easy for some students for many different reasons – not wanting to look at screens for too long, or not having access to screens.


How are teachers keeping students working during the Covid-19 crisis?

Shortly after we went into lockdown, I was lucky enough to speak with some local teachers about how their schools were reacting to the new challenges. The responses and speed in which schools were adapting to what was required was nothing short of mindblowing, and demonstrates the resilience, tenacity and flexibility of our profession.


Maths Feasts and beyond

This is a national student enrichment event designed to challenge your best problem solvers in Year 10. They will need to work collaboratively in teams of four to complete different rounds, each demanding a different type of higher-order thinking.


Girls In Maths

Another Girls In Maths day scheduled for July has, unfortunately, had to be postponed. We hope to rearrange this event for either the Autumn or Spring terms of next academic year

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