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On Wednesday 2 December 2020, an AMSP Codebreaking and Cryptography enrichment event took place via a Zoom webinar. Led by Dr Katie Chicot of the Open University and facilitated by Andrew Birch, students were challenged to test their problem-solving skills in order to crack a series of codes!


Interview techniques

We’ve just delivered a number of mock interviews to prospective Oxbridge candidates, and it seemed a timely reminder to think ahead to other potential interviews in the new year.


Changes to Online Meetings since Lockdown: a brief report on Merseyside Network Meetings 2020-21

“Our standard KS5 Network meetings … are no longer viable. So, like most other organisations, we had to take to Zoom (or the AMSP equivalent, BBB) to bridge the gap. And we found that … everything is still possible! In particular, as long as cameras and audio are switched on, the part of the meetings most valued by teachers, namely discussion with colleagues, remains just as effective.”


Taking the fear out of maths

I’m sure we’ve all had those experiences where we’ve explained something to our students, done some examples together and then got the response, “I don’t get it!” or, “I don’t know what to do!” It can be frustrating for us as teachers under pressure to teach all the required topics and to help our students to pass exams.

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