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The South West AMSP team has collaborated with other regions to provide a targeted online professional development programme to support schools either delivering or considering delivering AQA Level 2 Further Mathematics to their Year 10 or Year 11 students. We think that the qualification is an excellent way to bridge students’ pathway to A level maths, as well as stretching and broadening the Key Stage 4 Maths curriculum.

The first session looked at the curriculum and different ways schools delivered the qualification with respect to timetabling and support. Sessions 2 and 3 focussed on the content and pedagogy required when delivering Polynomials and the factor theorem, and trigonometry.

The next online session will take place on 16 January 2023 and will focus on the Calculus required for AQA Level 2 Further Mathematics. This will be followed by a session on 8 February which looks at Matrices. A full schedule of the remaining five sessions can be found on the AMSP website AQA Level 2 Further Maths professional development where there is also a link to the sign up page for the Calculus session.

There is no requirement to attend every session, so you would be very welcome to attend sessions even if you have not attended any of the first three.

We look forward to seeing you there.

By Will Warne

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