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Bookings are now open for our Spring/Summer cohort of Raising Confidence courses. The suite of courses aim to improve your teaching of GCSE Mathematics and the skills of your students.

You can choose from three one-day courses, all of which will provide strategies and ideas that you can use straight away in your classroom, and support in developing your professional practice and that of departmental colleagues. The courses will also consider how your department can develop its curriculum in line with the 2019 Ofsted Framework.

Courses available to book are:

Each of our suite of Raising Confidence courses is a standalone day, meaning that you can choose the area your department is focusing on, or someone from your school or college could attend all of the one-day courses. It’s not necessary for the same teacher to attend all three courses as they’re designed to support different teachers on different days; instead, we’d encourage you to discuss the content of the different days to enable you to share good practice across your department.

All of our Raising Confidence courses are free for teachers working in state-funded schools and colleges.

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