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Raj Kumar, AC for Bradford and North/West Leeds

Maths Feast has recently returned for another year testing Year 10s across the country!

There are several rounds, each requiring different skills and strategies for success. Each event takes between two and three hours, and awards will be given for good teamwork as well as the winning team of each round.

Some student reviews on past servings of Maths Feast:

  • “The best round was the relay, I enjoyed the pace and structure of it!”
  • “Four in a row was fun and fast paced. Had to work together and rely on team mates.”
  • “All the rounds were enjoyable and challenging.”
  • “I was speechless in the ‘What no words’ round!”

Maths Feast will be visiting the region several times between now and the end of March.

Reserve your table to avoid disappointment!

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