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Fiona Kitchen, AC for Coventry, Solihull and North Warwickshire

Higher Level Problem Solving classes for Year 12 students (10 weeks of classes) and Year 13 students (15 weeks of classes) began on Wednesday 16 January 2019 at the University of Warwick. The classes are designed for those students who wish to develop skills required for university admissions tests in mathematics, although some of the students may not actually sit the exams themselves and simply wish to develop in their mathematical abilities.

This year, the initial classes for students were complimented by a 2-hour slot designed specifically for teachers. Dr. Richard Lissaman (MEI) delivered an excellent session getting “hands on” with selected questions from the STEP, MAT and TMUA examinations. The teachers also spent a short time discussing strategy around supporting students who wish to take these exams and further information was given on the kinds of support and resources that are widely available to compliment what teachers already offer “in-house”.

Here’s what the teachers said:

  • “A condensed course in the evening was very useful for me otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to attend”
  • “Informative, engaging and interesting.”
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