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Contact Us

Iram Hussain, Regional Lead for the West Midlands

In the West Midlands, we’re served by several Maths Hubs. Coordinated by the NCETM, they work in partnership with local schools, colleges, universities, CPD providers, maths experts and employers to drive improvement in maths education.

The Central Maths Hub: Level 3 Briefing (Spring Term 2018/19)

If you wish to join our Central Maths Hubs’ mailing list to receive regular updates, please contact us via [email protected].

You can also follow us on Twitter @centralmathshub or visit our website for full details of the programme.

Support for Level 3 Core Maths

We will be hosting a Core Maths Regional Workshop on July 4th, for schools who currently offer the Level 3 qualification and for those who may wish to offer it in the future. See to register.

Our Core Maths TSST programmes provide the support and subject knowledge required to enable teachers to offer the subject, in addition to their current subject specialism. For cohort details, please go to

Level 3 Work Groups

We are running three Level 3 Work Groups this year

  • Supporting Core Maths
  • Embedding A-level Technology
  • Developing A-level Pedagogy

Please go to for more information and to sign up for these Work Groups.

Find out more about the Central Maths Hub.

North Mids and Peaks Maths Hub

The North Mids and Peaks Maths Hub is offering free bespoke professional development opportunities for your maths department as a series of 3 or 4 twilight or INSET sessions over the course of the year, commencing September 2019.  This is also an opportunity for you to work in collaboration with other maths departments.

Please indicate the CPD you would be interested in by following this link.

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