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Since September 2018, the AMSP and Maths Hubs have worked in collaboration on three Level 3 Work Groups: Supporting Core MathsEmbedding Technology in Level 3 Maths and Developing A level Pedagogy. The Work Groups have supported hundreds of teachers nationally, offering the opportunity to work in local collaborative groups whilst trying out new ideas in their own classroom. Areas covered have included exploring pedagogy, research, classroom practice, the use of technology and sharing resources, but Work Groups also offer the flexibility to explore a relevant interest for that group.

Feedback from last year’s Work Groups

  • “Participants were enthusiastic, knowledgeable and willing to share their experiences to support other members of the work group. All participants benefited as a result.”
  • “The teachers of other subjects commented that their students who also did Core Maths were much more confident and proficient at the Maths content of their courses.”
  • “Developing young teachers and seeing them grow in confidence is an absolute privilege to provide”


This year, the programme is being expanded, and there are more opportunities available to join Work Groups in this region. Each Maths Hub offering one of the following three Work Groups:

Supporting Core Maths – This project provides support for departments offering Core Maths. It enables teachers to develop robust teaching approaches through collaboration and effective use of existing resources. Participants will gain understanding of the philosophy of Core Maths – with its approach to maths through contextualised problem-solving – and will appreciate the different Core Maths courses.

Embedding Technology in Level 3 Maths – It offers national support for the effective embedding of technology in the teaching of Level 3 Mathematics (Core Maths, A level Mathematics and/or Further Mathematics). This support is designed to enhance teaching in order to develop students’ conceptual understanding. Participants are also developed as technology champions in their own school or college.

Developing A level Pedagogy – This project provides support for developing the quality of teaching in response to the demands of the new specifications for A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics. Work Groups in this project aim to develop knowledge of content and requirements of the new A levels and understand the purpose of the overarching themes.

Interested? Register now with your local Maths Hub so that they can contact you with further details in the autumn term.

To find out which Maths Hub you are near all you need is your school postcode and use the search tool at Find My Maths Hub. (Note: this may not work on all devices and browsers.)

There is also this flyer with more information on the Maths Hubs Secondary and Post 16 Work Groups.

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