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Each Spring, the University of Warwick hosts Maths and Beyond, an interactive enrichment event for Year 10 and 11 students. 

This year, Fran Watson will kick off the day with Geometry and the Imagination, a highly engaging session introducing students to geometric visualisation, exploration and origami to help develop their mathematical thinking and reasoning. Students will then break off into workshops.

Workshop line-up:

  • Risk It (for a biscuit) – Ben Sparks
  • Strategy Games: an introduction to game theory – Adam Boddison
  • Fun Maths Roadshow – Liz Price

When: Wednesday 25th OR Thursday 26th March (choose which suits you best)

Where: The University of Warwick

Cost: £10 per student, free for teachers to attend

More information and register:

What do students say?

  • “I particularly enjoyed the interactive activities during the logic games session and learning about things we don’t learn in school. Magical Maths gave me a different perspective of maths, and has intrigued me to learn more.”
  • “I thought the event was a brilliant idea. It shows a variety of ways in which maths can be used. The delivery of the event was impressive and I enjoyed how each session offered something new.”

What do teachers say?

  • “We had an absolutely wonderful time and it was fantastic to see our students engage with some education outside of their usual routines.”
  • “We’re all looking forward to next year already!”

By Fiona Kitchen

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